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Save Files

SLTM uses it's own file format for saving translations. This is due to multiple reasons:

  1. Non-destructive workflow.
  2. Faster loading.
  3. Better integration with the editor.
  4. Less likely to cause issues.
  5. Easier to detect sl version and version of sltm by which the file was saved.

Where to save?

This is a normal file, you can save it wherever you want. However it's recommended to keep the file in the same folder as the sl translation for organization reasons.


You can include the .sltmf file with your published translation so that other users will have an easier way of editing or exporting it to a different version of SCPSL.

Exporting to SCPSL

An sltm file can be exported to SCPSL by going to Export/SCPSL in the editor. For more information, check out Exporting to SCPSL.