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Text Styling

Most of the time, SL uses Text Mesh Pro for rendering text. This fact allows us to change how text looks in our translations.

Text Mesh Pro Rich Text

Text can be stylized by using rich text tags that are built in to Text Mesh Pro. For more information on how to use them, please visit this page.

Rich Text doesn't work everywhere

Rich Text isn't enabled on every text element in SL so sometimes stylizing won't work.

Magizmo Rich Text

Magizmo also includes it's own proprietary set of rich text tags that get converted to something SL can read when exporting.


Character gradient will create a per-character gradient using color tags.

<cg=red,blue>Hello</cg> will be converted into <color=#FF0000FF>H</color><color=#CC0033FF>e</color>... which will then look like this...

Image of the result