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The "Comma Separated Values" format allows for editing inside spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc. This workflow is very popular for translating games.


By going to File/Export/CSV you can open the "Export to CSV" prompt.


Path of where you want to save your csv file.

Create Categories

default: true

When enabled, the output .csv file will separate entries into labeled categories. It's recommended to keep this option enabled for easier readability.

Columns Order

default: id, display name, original translation, value, dynamic values

Order of different columns. You can click and drag individual elements to rearrange them.


You can open the .csv file in your preferred spreadsheet application.


Here's a detailed explanation of each column:

IdThe id used by sltm to recognize which row corresponds to which entry.
Display NameName of the entry that's typically displayed in the app.
Original TranslationOriginal value of the entry from the translation you're currently comparing.
ValueValue of the entry.
Dynamic ValuesList of dynamic values available for the entry. These tags will be replaced by SCPSL with a different value.


You can open the import prompt by going to File/Import/CSV. This panel features a couple of options and a preview on the right.


The preview panel located on the right side will display the file that's currently selected in the Path field.


Path of the .csv file you're trying to load.


In the current version of SLTM, changing the path can cause a lag spike, due to the preview updating. Please be patient.

Id Column

Column that contains entry ids. Please make sure to select the right column for the import to work.

Value column

Column that contains entry values. Please make sure to select the right column for the import to work.